Seahorse - Mexican Recipes

Seahorse – Mexican Recipes

Shrimps are whole and hard, so they can’t compete with beautiful seahorses. There is a different way to make shrimp.

material: (For 4 people)

  • shrimp
  • ricotta cheese
  • fresh grated coconut
  • oil for frying
  • bread crumbs,
  • 1 egg
  • roasted sesame seeds


Thread a skewer along the body of the shrimp. Add it to boiling water until it changes color. This will make it completely vertical.

Remove the toothpick, open it in half, put enough ricotta and coconut in the middle and close it again. Closed again due to preparations.

Dip in breadcrumbs with egg and toasted sesame seeds.

Fry until golden brown.

It’s delicious when eaten with aioli.

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