Stuffed chili peppers with meat - Mexican recipe

Stuffed chili peppers with meat – Mexican recipe

Gloria has sent us recipes that are perfect for a variety of occasions. Thank you, Gloria, for your cooperation.


  • 4 chili peppers
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 100g smoked tenderloin
  • Quartirolo cheese 100 grams *
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise.

*Creamy cheese used in pizza


Cut off the caps of the chili peppers, remove the seeds and cook in salted water for a few minutes. Then take them out, drain and let them cool.

Prepare the filling by mixing cooked rice with chopped tenderloin, cheese cut into small cubes and mayonnaise. Mix well and stuff with chili peppers.

Serve chilled. Decorate as desired.

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