
Pumpkin flower soup - Mexican recipe

Pumpkin flower soup – Mexican recipe

Pumpkin blossoms are a very tasty dish and are part of the Mexican culinary tradition. The flowers have a strong fragrance. It is better to buy it on the market fresh, not treated like an ornamental flower with sulfates and pesticides. Also, it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours, so […]

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Soups and creams, , , , , ,
Zucchini flower fritters | Photo Zucchini flower fritters regional recipe

Zucchini flower fritters | Photo Zucchini flower fritters regional recipe

print recipe Device: pot Dish description: Zucchini flower fritters. material 20 zucchini flowers 20 zucchini flowers white flour white flour extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil parsley parsley salt salt pepper pepper Clean and wash the zucchini flowers.Cut off the stem, leaving only the flower part.Finely chop the parsley.Make the dough with water

Zucchini flower fritters | Photo Zucchini flower fritters regional recipe Read More »

Starters and Appetizers, , , , , , ,
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